Vladimir Gorb
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Job / Known for: Painter and art teacher
Left traces: Realist and socialist realist paintings
Date: 1903-12-31
Location: RU Odessa
Date: 1988-10-20 (aged 85)
Resting place: RU Leningrad, USSR
Death Cause: Shrapnel wound
Parent(s): Alexander Gorb and Maria Gorb
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Vladimir Gorb My QR code: Vladimir Gorb https://DearGone.com/13567
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I paint and teach my talent.
About me / Bio:
Vladimir Gorb was a Soviet Russian painter, graphic artist, and art teacher who lived and worked in Leningrad as professor of the Repin Institute of Arts, was awarded the title of Honored Art Worker of Russian Federation, and was member of the Leningrad branch of Union of Artists of Russian Federation. He was born on December 31, 1903, in the city Odessa, Russian Empire. He learned from his father Rudolf Ferdinandovich Gorb, a well-known Russian master of animal and hunting paintings. He graduated from the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1930, where he studied under Alexander Savinov, Arcady Rylov, Alexander Karev, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Pavel Naumov, Dmitry Kiplik. He participated in various exhibitions and painted battle scenes, genre and historical paintings, portraits, landscapes, and cityscapes. He was a founding member of the Leningrad Union of Artists and taught at the Repin Institute of Arts and the Vera Mukhina Institute. He died in 1988 in Leningrad, Soviet Union, of a shrapnel wound he received during the siege of Leningrad. His paintings are now displayed in various museums and galleries, such as the Central Naval Museum, the State Russian Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art. He is considered one of the most original and influential Russian realist painters of the 20th century.
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