Maria Poiret
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Job / Known for: Soviet film star and singer
Left traces: Several popular films and songs
Date: 1863-01-04
Location: RU Zvenigorod
Date: 1933-10-13 (aged 70)
Resting place: RU Moscow, Novodevichy Cemetery
Death Cause: Pancreatic cancer
Spouse: Grigori Aleksandrov
Parent(s): Pyotr Poiret and Yulia Tarasenkova
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Мария Пуаре

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About me / Bio:
Maria Poiret was a Soviet film star of the 1930s who enjoyed the sympathy of Joseph Stalin. She was born to a noble family in Zvenigorod, a suburb of Moscow, and showed her musical and acting talents from an early age. She studied piano at the Moscow Conservatory, but had to work as a music teacher and a pianist for silent films to support her parents. She also studied choreography and singing, and joined the Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre Music Studio as a choir singer. She made her film debut in 1934, and soon became the leading actress of Soviet cinema, starring in musical comedies such as Jolly Fellows, Circus, Volga-Volga, and Spring. She was praised for her beauty, charm, voice, and charisma, and became a symbol of optimism and happiness for the Soviet people. She was also a talented singer, recording many songs that became classics of Soviet music. She was awarded the Stalin Prize twice, and the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1950. She was married to film director Grigori Aleksandrov, who directed most of her films and helped shape her image. She died of pancreatic cancer in 1933, at the age of 70.
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