Aleksandr Nikolayev
Other names: Usto Mumin Усто Мумин
Job / Known for: Painter and graphic artist
Left traces: His paintings and illustrations
Date: 1897-08-30
Location: RU Voronezh
Date: 1957-06-27 (aged 60)
Resting place: UZ Tashkent, Uzbek SSR
Death Cause: Natural causes
Parent(s): Vasily Nikolayev and Anna Nikolayeva
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I am a painter of the East
About me / Bio:
Aleksandr Nikolayev was a Soviet painter of Russian origin, who lived and worked in the Uzbek SSR. He was also known as Usto Mumin, which means "Faithful and Gentle Master" in Uzbek. He studied under Kazimir Malevich in Moscow and was influenced by the Soviet avant-garde movement. He moved to Tashkent in 1920 and became fascinated by the local culture and traditions. He converted to Islam and adopted a new name. He painted many scenes of Central Asian life, landscapes, and portraits. He also worked as an illustrator and a theatre designer. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1938 on charges of counterrevolutionary conspiracy and homosexuality. He spent four years in prison and was released in 1942. He continued to work as an artist until his death in 1957. He was honored as a Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR in 1950. His works are in collections of museums in post-Soviet countries, such as the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow, the Nukus Museum of Art, and the Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan.
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