Andrei Ryabushkin
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Job / Known for: Russian genre painter
Left traces: Peasant Wedding and Descent from the Cross
Date: 1861-10-29
Location: RU Stanichnaya sloboda, Tambov gubernia
Date: 1904-05-10 (aged 43)
Resting place: RU Lyuban, Novgorod gubernia
Death Cause: Old age
Parent(s): Petr Ryabushkin and Maria Ryabushkina
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Art is what our soul need
About me / Bio:
Andrei Ryabushkin was a Russian painter who specialized in depicting the life of ordinary Russians of the 17th century. He was influenced by Perov, Pryanishnikov, and Chistyakov. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and the Imperial Academy of Arts. He did not receive an award for his diploma work, Descent from the Cross, but he was granted a stipend to travel and study abroad. He chose to visit ancient Russian towns instead of Europe and learned from their architecture, culture, and folklore. He joined the Peredvizhniki movement and exhibited his works with them. His first large work, Peasant Wedding, was bought by Tretyakov. He also worked on frescoes and mosaics for churches. He died in 1904 at the age of 42.
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Article for Andrei Ryabushkin

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