Teresa Teng
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Job / Known for: Singer of folk and romantic songs
Left traces: A cultural legacy that influenced generations
Date: 1953-01-29
Location: CN Baozhong, Yunlin
Date: 1995-05-08 (aged 42)
Resting place: TH Chin Pao San, New Taipei City
Death Cause: Asthma attack
Parent(s): Fu Lei and Zhu Meifu
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Teresa Teng My QR code: Teresa Teng https://DearGone.com/12102
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Teresa Teng

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I only ask of God, He won't let me be indifferent to the suffering
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About me / Bio:
Teresa Teng was a Taiwanese singer who was widely considered to be one of the most popular singers in Asia. She was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads, and her popularity extended to Japan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. She was born on 29 January 1953 in Baozhong, Taiwan, and began singing at a young age. She recorded songs in Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Japanese, Indonesian, and English, and had a repertoire of more than 1,200 songs. She was also a cultural icon for her contributions to Chinese pop music, and was nicknamed "the eternal queen of Asian pop". She was admired for her clear, sweet voice and her expressive delivery of lyrics. She sang about love, longing, and nostalgia, and touched the hearts of millions of listeners. She also performed patriotic songs that appealed to the Taiwanese people and the Chinese diaspora. She was a supporter of democracy and human rights, and was banned from performing in mainland China for her political views. She died on 8 May 1995 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from a severe asthma attack. She was 42 years old. Her death caused a wave of grief and mourning across Asia, and her funeral was attended by tens of thousands of fans. She was buried in Chin Pao San, a cemetery in New Taipei City, Taiwan, where a memorial hall was built in her honor. Her music remains popular and influential to this day, and she is regarded as one of the greatest singers of all time.
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