Mustafa Resid Pasa
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Job / Known for: Grand vizier and chief architect of Tanzimat
Left traces: Modernization of the Ottoman Empire
Date: 1800-03-13
Location: TR Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Date: 1858-01-07 (aged 58)
Resting place: TR
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Fatma Sultan
Children: Mehmed Reşid, Ali Reşid, Fatma Reşid, and Emine Reşid
Parent(s): Mustafa Efendi and Zehra Hanım
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Mustafa Reşid Paşa

The basis of our government is respect for the rights of men.
About me / Bio:
Mustafa Reşid Paşa was an influential Ottoman statesman and diplomat who played a key role in the modernization and reform of the Ottoman Empire. He was born in Constantinople in 1800 and entered public service at an early age under the patronage of his uncle, Ispartalı Ali Paşa, a court chamberlain and governor of Morea. He received a scribal education and learned several languages, including French, English, and Arabic. He served as a seal carrier for the grand vizier and commander-in-chief, Seyyid Ali Pasha, during the Greek War of Independence. He also participated in the negotiations for the Treaty of Edirne, which ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829. He rose rapidly in the diplomatic ranks, becoming ambassador to France, the United Kingdom, and Prussia. He was appointed as the minister of foreign affairs in 1837 and became the chief negotiator for the Ottoman Empire in the Oriental Crisis of 1840, which resulted in the restoration of Ottoman sovereignty over Syria and Egypt. He was also involved in the peace talks after the Crimean War, which secured the recognition of the Ottoman Empire as a part of the European system. He held the office of grand vizier six times between 1846 and 1857, and was the principal author of the Tanzimat reforms, which aimed to reorganize and modernize the Ottoman administration, society, and economy. He introduced measures such as the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of non-Muslims, the establishment of a secular education system, the codification of civil and criminal laws, the reform of taxation and land tenure, the promotion of trade and industry, and the improvement of public works and infrastructure. He was a proponent of Westernization and sought to establish friendly relations with the European powers. He also supported the Ottomanization of the diverse ethnic and religious groups in the empire, and advocated for a constitutional monarchy and a representative parliament. He died of a heart attack in Constantinople in 1858, leaving behind a legacy of reform and modernization that influenced the subsequent generations of Ottoman statesmen and intellectuals.
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