Klaus Nomi
Other names: Klaus Sperber
Job / Known for: New wave synthpop opera experimental baroque
Left traces: His unique vocal range and stage persona
Date: 1944-01-24
Location: DE Immenstadt, Bavaria, Germany
Date: 1983-08-06 (aged 39)
Resting place: US
Death Cause: AIDS-related complications
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Klaus Nomi

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The future is now
About me / Bio:
Klaus Nomi was a German countertenor who became famous for his wide vocal range and his unusual, otherworldly stage persona. He moved to New York City in the mid-1970s, where he worked as a pastry chef and a nightclub singer. He performed in various off-Broadway shows and became part of the East Village art scene. He was known for his bizarre and visionary theatrical live performances, heavy make-up, unusual costumes, and a highly stylized signature hairdo that flaunted a receding hairline. His songs were equally unusual, ranging from synthesizer-laden interpretations of classical opera to covers of 1960s pop standards like Chubby Checker's "The Twist" and Lou Christie's "Lightnin' Strikes". He also sang original songs that blended pop, rock, disco, and electronic music. Nomi came to the attention of the mainstream audience when he was one of David Bowie's backup singers for a 1979 performance on Saturday Night Live. He soon signed a record deal with RCA and released two albums: Klaus Nomi (1981) and Simple Man (1982). He also appeared in several films and documentaries, such as Urgh! A Music War (1981), The Nomi Song (2004), and The Man Who Fell to Earth (2005). He was one of the first celebrities to die of AIDS, in 1983. His death was a shock to his fans and the music industry. He is regarded as an influential and cult figure in the history of music and pop culture.
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