Friedrich Ebert
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Job / Known for: Leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany
Left traces: Weimar Constitution and Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Date: 1871-02-04
Location: DE Heidelberg, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Empire
Date: 1925-02-28 (aged 54)
Resting place: DE
Death Cause: Sepsis
Spouse: Louise Rump (m. 1894)
Children: Friedrich Jr., Georg, Heinrich, Amalie, Karl
Parent(s): Karl Ebert and Katharina Hinkel
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About me / Bio:
Friedrich Ebert was born in Heidelberg on 4 February 1871 as the seventh of nine children of Karl and Katharina Ebert. His father was a master tailor and a social democrat. Ebert learned the saddler's trade and traveled through Germany as a journeyman saddler. He soon became a social democrat and trade unionist, representing so-called revisionist—gradualist, liberal—“trade-union” socialism. In 1905 Ebert became secretary general of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), which had steadily increased in membership and electoral support. He updated party administration and became a prominent leader in national politics. He supported Germany's participation in World War I and formed a coalition government with other parties after the abdication of Emperor Wilhelm II in 1918. He became the head of government and later the first president of the Weimar Republic, which attempted to unite Germany after its defeat in the war. He faced many challenges from radical leftists, who staged uprisings and assassinations, and from right-wing nationalists, who opposed the Treaty of Versailles and attempted coups. He also had to deal with economic crises, social unrest, and political violence. He tried to preserve democracy and social reforms, but his health deteriorated under the stress of his office. He died of sepsis on 28 February 1925 in Berlin. He was buried in Heidelberg Cemetery with a state funeral. His legacy includes the Weimar Constitution, which granted universal suffrage and civil rights, and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which promotes democracy and social justice. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in German history.
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