Walter Model
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Job / Known for: German military officer during World War II
Left traces: His defensive warfare techniques
Date: 1891-01-24
Location: DE Genthin, Saxony, German Empire
Date: 1945-04-21 (aged 54)
Resting place: DE
Death Cause: Suicide by gunshot
Spouse: Herta Huyssen (1921-1945)
Children: Hansgeorg, Hella, Christa and Irmgard Model
Parent(s): Otto Paul Moritz Model and Marie Pauline Wlhelmine Model née Demmer
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No enemy has ever withstood our onslaughts
About me / Bio:
Walter Model was born on 24 January 1891 in Genthin, Saxony, the son of a music teacher. He joined the army in 1910 and served in World War I, where he won several decorations for bravery and became a staff officer. He remained in the Reichswehr after the war and rose through the ranks, becoming a colonel in 1934. He was a supporter of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, and was involved in the suppression of a Communist uprising in the Ruhr in 1920. In World War II, Model served as a chief of staff and a corps commander in the invasions of Poland and France. He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1940 and to general of panzer troops in 1941. He commanded the 3rd Panzer Division and then the XLI Panzer Corps on the Eastern Front, where he distinguished himself as a skilled and aggressive panzer leader. He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross in 1941 and the Oak Leaves in 1942. In 1942, Model became the commander of the Ninth Army, which was part of Army Group Centre. He successfully defended against several Soviet offensives, earning him the nickname "Hitler's Fireman" for his ability to rescue desperate situations. He was promoted to colonel general in 1943 and to field marshal in 1944. He received the Swords and then the Diamonds to his Knight's Cross for his achievements on the Eastern Front. In 1944, Model was transferred to various army groups on both fronts, trying to stem the Allied advances. He commanded Army Group North, Army Group North Ukraine, Army Group Centre, Army Group B and OB West. He was involved in several major battles, such as Kursk, Narva, Normandy, Arnhem, Aachen, Hürtgen Forest and the Bulge. He was known for his ruthless and fanatical defense tactics, which often resulted in high casualties among his own troops and civilians. In April 1945, Model's Army Group B was encircled by the Americans in the Ruhr Pocket. He refused to surrender and ordered his troops to fight to the last man. On 21 April 1945, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head near Duisburg. He was buried in Hürtgenwald with full military honors by his loyal staff officers.
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