Justin Yerbury
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Job / Known for: Professor in Neurodegenerative Disease
Left traces: Research into the causes of MND
Date: 1974-05-03
Location: AU Wollongong, New South Wales
Date: 2023-07-28 (aged 49)
Resting place: AU Illawarra
Death Cause: Motor neurone disease
Spouse: Rachel Yerbury
Children: Two daughters
Parent(s): Hymie and Esther Yerbury
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Justin Yerbury My QR code: Justin Yerbury https://DearGone.com/10801
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I want to make MND a treatable disease.
About me / Bio:
Justin Yerbury was an Australian molecular biologist who dedicated his life to finding a cure for motor neurone disease (MND), a rare and fatal condition that affects the nerve cells that control movement, speech, and breathing. He was inspired to pursue a career in biological research after losing several members of his family to the genetic form of MND. He discovered that he also carried the gene mutation that causes the disease. He graduated from the University of Wollongong (UOW) in 2004 with a BSc with 1st class honours and completed his PhD in 2008. He worked as a research assistant, lecturer, and research fellow at UOW and also spent a year as an ARC International Linkage Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. He became a Professor in Neurodegenerative Disease at UOW and led a research team at the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute (IHMRI). His research focused on the molecular mechanisms of protein misfolding and aggregation, which are believed to be the main cause of MND. He developed novel methods and tools to study protein dynamics and interactions in living cells. He also collaborated with other researchers and clinicians to translate his findings into potential therapies and diagnostics for MND. He received several awards and recognitions for his research, including the Australian Society for Medical Research Young Investigator Award in 2004, the Bill Gole Postdoctoral MND Research Fellowship in 2009, the Vice Chancellor’s Emerging Researcher of the Year award in 2011, the Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function Young Investigator Prize in 2012, the MND Australia Betty Laidlaw MND Research Prize for 2017, and the University of New South Wales Eureka Prize for Scientific Research in 2022. He also received an Order of Australia Medal in 2020 for his service to medical research and education. He was diagnosed with MND himself in 2016, but continued to work on his research until his death in 2023. He also became an advocate for people living with MND and raised awareness and funds for the cause. He appeared on several media outlets, including ABC's Australian Story, to share his personal and professional journey with MND. He also participated in various campaigns and events, such as The Big Freeze at the G, to support MND research and care. He was known for his courage, resilience, and passion for finding a cure for MND.
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