Duong Bich Lien
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Job / Known for: painter
Left traces: Vietnamese modern art
Date: 1924-07-17
Location: VN Hanoi, French Indochina
Date: 1988-12-12 (aged 64)
Resting place: VN Hanoi
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Duong Bich Lien My QR code: Duong Bich Lien https://DearGone.com/15759
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Dương Bích Liên

The better you play, the better you draw.
About me / Bio:
Dương Bích Liên was a prominent Vietnamese painter known for his contributions to Vietnamese modern art. He was particularly successful with his portraits of young women, which are considered some of his most significant works. Born in Hanoi into a family of scholars and officials, he pursued art against the backdrop of a comfortable life, choosing instead to immerse himself in the world of creativity and expression. His journey through art began at the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de l'Indochine and continued as he joined the resistance against French colonial forces, contributing to the cultural and artistic activities of the time. His works, such as 'Bác Hồ ở chiến khu Việt Bắc,' not only won national acclaim but also became a part of Vietnam's national treasures. His legacy is marked by his dedication to exploring various artistic styles and his profound impact on the Vietnamese art scene.
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Article for Duong Bich Lien

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