Hoang Van Chi
Other names: Mac Dinh Mạc Định
Job / Known for: Author
Left traces: From Colonialism to Communism
Date: 1913-10-01
Location: VN Thanh Hóa, Annam, French Indochina
Date: 1988-07-06 (aged 75)
Resting place: US Bowie, Maryland
Death Cause: Natural Causes
Spouse: Lê Hằng Phấn
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Hoang Van Chi My QR code: Hoang Van Chi https://DearGone.com/15674
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Hoàng Văn Chí

From Colonialism to Communism
About me / Bio:
Hoang Van Chi was a prominent Vietnamese political writer and intellectual. He was an opponent of colonialism and later of communism in Vietnam. Educated in the French system, he joined the resistance against the French in 1946, went South in 1955, served in South Vietnam's embassy to India in 1959-1960, emigrated to France in 1960, the US in 1965, and died in Maryland, USA, in 1988. His notable work, "From Colonialism to Communism," was translated into more than 15 languages.
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