Georgy Pyatakov
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Job / Known for: Bolshevik leader and Soviet administrator
Left traces: Economic reforms and industrialization
Date: 1890-08-18
Location: UA Horodyshche, Kiev Governorate
Date: 1937-01-30 (aged 47)
Resting place: RU Donskoy Cemetery, Moscow
Death Cause: Executed by firing squad
Spouse: Yevgenia Bosch
Parent(s): Leonid Pyatakov and Maria Pyatkova
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About me / Bio:
Georgy Pyatakov was a Ukrainian revolutionary and Bolshevik leader, and a key Soviet politician during and after the 1917 Russian Revolution. Pyatakov was considered by contemporaries to be one of the early communist state's best economic administrators, but with poor political judgement. He joined the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1910 and became a close associate of Nikolai Bukharin. He participated in the February and October Revolutions of 1917 and held various posts in the Soviet government, such as the chairman of the Ukrainian Provisional Government, the deputy chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, and the deputy head of the Soviet Union's heavy industry. He was also a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and a prominent figure in the Trotskyite opposition to Joseph Stalin. He was arrested in 1936 and accused of being part of a counter-revolutionary conspiracy. He confessed to various anti-party and anti-Soviet activities and was executed by firing squad in January 1937. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1988.
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