Ismail Qemali
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Job / Known for: First Prime Minister of Albania
Left traces: Declaration of Independence
Date: 1844-01-16
Location: AL Vlorë, Ottoman Empire
Date: 1919-01-26 (aged 75)
Resting place: IT People's Cemetery, Tirana, Tirana County
Death Cause: Pneumonia
Spouse: Nasipe Hanami Kleoniqi Surmeli
Parent(s): Mahmud bey Vlora (father) Hedije Libohova (mother)
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About me / Bio:
Ismail Qemali was an Albanian politician and statesman who is regarded as the founder of modern Albania. He served as the first prime minister of Albania from December 1912 until his resignation in January 1914. Born in Vlorë to an Albanian noble family, Qemali developed an early interest in languages and mastered Ottoman Turkish, Greek, Italian and French in Ioannina and later studied law in Istanbul. He travelled across Europe, particularly Belgium, France, England and Italy, and returned to Albania after the Young Turk Revolution. He took part in the Congress of Ottoman Opposition. He played a major role in the Albanian revolt of 1912. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Qemali was elected leader of the Provisional Government of Albania by the All-Albanian Congress in November 1912. He became prime minister and foreign minister of Albania. Qemali temporarily allied with the Ottoman Empire and jointly plotted to attack Serbia in return for gaining Kosovo from the Ottomans. However, their plan got leaked and International Control Commission occupied Vlora, which resulted in Qemali's resignation. Afterward, he lived in exile in Italy where he died in 1919. He is often called Babai Kombit ("Father of the Nation").
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