Maya Nasser
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Job / Known for: Reporter for Press TV
Left traces: His reports from Aleppo
Date: 1979-07-30
Location: SY
Date: 2012-09-26 (aged 33)
Resting place: SY
Death Cause: Sniper shot
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Maya Nasser

Fullname NoEnglish

مايا ناصر

The truth is worth dying for.
About me / Bio:
Maya Nasser was a Syrian journalist and reporter who worked for Press TV, an Iranian English-language broadcasting service. He had a degree in political science from Kaplan University. He reported from Syria during the Syrian Civil War, covering the events in Aleppo and other parts of the country. He also reported from the United States, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Bahrain. He was known for his courage and professionalism in the face of danger. On 26 September 2012, he was covering the large explosions at the Syrian army's headquarters in Umayyad Square when he was killed by a rebel sniper. He was shot through the neck and died shortly afterwards in hospital. His colleague, Hussein Murtada, was wounded in a leg. Nasser was the 46th journalist killed during the Syrian Civil War. He was mourned by his family, friends, and colleagues, who praised his dedication and sacrifice for the truth.
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