Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola
Other names: M.K.O. Abiola
Job / Known for: Business tycoon and presidential candidate
Left traces: Democracy movement and humanitarian causes
Date: 1937-08-24
Location: NG Abeokuta, Ogun State
Date: 1998-07-07 (aged 61)
Resting place: NG Ikeja, Lagos State
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Simbiat Shoaga, Kudirat Adeyemi, Adebisi Oshin, Doyinsola Aboaba, Modupe Onitiri, Remi Abiola
Children: Kola, Deji, Agboola, Lola, Hafsat, Moriam, Jamiu, Mumin, Abdul, Rahaman, Rinsola, Nurudeen, Omolola, Jelili, Muritala, Mumuni and ...
Parent(s): Salawu and Suliat Wuraola Abiola
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Farewell Nigeria, farewell democracy.
About me / Bio:
Moshood Abiola was born and raised in poverty but was a hard worker and a bright student. He attended the University of Glasgow, Scotland, on scholarship, graduating in 1963. He then studied at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, also in Scotland, graduating in 1965. Abiola began working for ITT Nigeria in 1968; by 1971 he was its chief executive and chairman, posts he held until 1988. During that time he amassed an immense private fortune and became owner of a publishing house, a newspaper syndicate, and an airline, among other enterprises. He was voted International Businessman of the Year in 1988. Abiola made generous donations for building schools, mosques, churches, libraries, and various development projects across Nigeria and became a popular public figure. He also supported liberation movements in southern Africa and campaigns for reparations for slavery. After nearly a decade of military rule, democratic elections were held in Nigeria on June 12, 1993. Abiola ran as the presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Party in a two-party race. Observers declared the election to have been the freest and fairest in Nigerian history. Initial results indicated that Abiola, who had garnered votes across ethnic and religious divides, would be the clear winner of the election. Before the official results were announced, however, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, the military leader, annulled the election. This provoked a political crisis. Abiola rallied domestic and international support in claiming the presidency that he appeared to have won, which led to his 1994 arrest on a charge of treason by the military regime then led by Gen. Sani Abacha. During his imprisonment Abiola was deprived of outside news and subjected to solitary confinement and abuse that included negligent medical care. His release seemed imminent following the death of General Abacha in June 1998. However, Abiola died suddenly under mysterious circumstances, arousing suspicions of foul play, although a heart attack was officially declared to be the cause of death. By the time of his death, he had become an unexpected symbol of democracy.
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