Eyaz Zaxoyi
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Job / Known for: Kurdish maqam singer
Left traces: More than 1000 songs
Date: 1961-02-20
Location: IQ Zakho
Date: 1986-01-20 (aged 25)
Resting place: IQ Zakho
Death Cause: Tuberculosis
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Eyaz Zaxoyi

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The voice of Badinan is lovely
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About me / Bio:
Eyaz Zaxoyî was an Iraqi musician of Kurdish descent who was born in Zakho. He was one of the most famous singers in the region of Badinan. He had a passion for music since his childhood and spent most of his time in the gatherings of dengbêjs, listening to their voices. He completed his primary, secondary and agricultural education in Zakho. During his studies, he sang at the school celebrations. Later, he visited the Kurdish Radio in Baghdad and recorded many songs there and some with the Duhok Art Group. He also collaborated with the artist Erdewan Zaxoyî and recorded some songs together. His first cassette was released in 1982 and he became well-known with it. He then released cassettes in 1983, 1984 and 1985. He only recorded four cassettes in his artistic life. His most famous song is Newroz hat bi gul û rihan (Newroz came with flowers and fragrance). He died of tuberculosis at the age of 25 on January 20, 1986. He had a romantic relationship with a member of the Duhok Art Group and this influenced his artistic life, so he was very successful in the field of love songs. He attracted the attention of the people with his few works and until now people love his art. Many teachers and poets gave him their poems and helped him and Erdewan. Among them are Abdulaziz Suleiman, Bedirxan Sindî, Bashar Muhammad and many others. Most people say that Eyaz was poisoned by the Baath regime.
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Died profile like Eyaz Zaxoyi

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  • Salima Murad Voice of death
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  • Mohammed Ghani Hikmat Voice of death
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  • Musa al Musawi Voice of death
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