Mikhail Mikeshin
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Job / Known for: Outdoor statues in the major cities
Left traces: The Millennium of Russia, the statue
Date: 1835-02-09
Location: RU Staroye Maximkovo, Roslavlsky Uyezd
Date: 1896-01-19 (aged 61)
Resting place: RU Saint Petersburg
Death Cause: Unknown
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Mikhail Mikeshin My QR code: Mikhail Mikeshin https://DearGone.com/13495
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I illustrate the official motto Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality
About me / Bio:
Mikhail Mikeshin was a Russian artist who regularly worked for the Romanov family and designed a number of outdoor statues in the major cities of the Russian Empire. He graduated from the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1858 and won the competition for the monument to the Millennium of Russia in 1859. He also designed statues of Kuzma Minin, Admiral Greig, Alexander II, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Yermak, and Pedro IV. He was a tutor to the Grand Duchesses and edited a satirical magazine called The Bee. He died in Saint Petersburg in 1896.
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