Cyril of Alexandria
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Job / Known for: Patriarch of Alexandria and defender of orthodoxy
Left traces: His writings and his role in the Council
Date: 376
Location: EG Didouseya, Roman Egypt
Date: 444-06-27 (aged 68)
Resting place: EG Church of St. Cyril, Alexandria
Death Cause: Natural causes
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That anyone could doubt the right of the holy Virgin to be called the Mother of God fills me
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Cyril of Alexandria was a Christian theologian and bishop who was active in the complex doctrinal struggles of the fifth century. He is chiefly known for his campaign against Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople, whose views on the nature of Christ were to be declared heretical. Cyril defended the orthodox doctrine of the Incarnation, which affirmed that Christ was both fully divine and fully human in one person. He insisted that the Virgin Mary should be called Theotokos (God-bearer) to describe the intimate union of the two natures in Christ. He also opposed the teachings of Pelagius, who denied the doctrine of original sin and the need for divine grace. Cyril was a prolific writer and a powerful preacher. He composed many commentaries, letters, homilies, and treatises on various theological topics. He also engaged in dialogue with the Jews and the pagans of his time, defending the Christian faith and refuting their objections. Cyril was the nephew and successor of Theophilus, the patriarch of Alexandria, who had a reputation for being harsh and intolerant. Cyril inherited his uncle’s zeal and authority, and he did not hesitate to use them against his opponents. He closed the churches of the Novatians, a schismatic sect that denied the power of the church to absolve those who had lapsed into idolatry during persecution. He also was involved in the expulsion of the Jews from Alexandria following their attacks upon Christians. He clashed with the civil administration over his actions, and he had to acknowledge the authority of the Roman governor. Cyril’s most famous conflict was with Nestorius, who objected to the term Theotokos as implying that Mary was the mother of God rather than the mother of Christ’s human nature. Nestorius emphasized the distinction between the divine and human natures of Christ, to the point of seeming to divide him into two persons. Cyril accused Nestorius of undermining the unity and the divinity of Christ, and he wrote several letters to him and to other bishops to condemn his views. The dispute was referred to the Council of Ephesus in 431, where Cyril presided as the representative of Pope Celestine I. He convened the council and condemned Nestorius before the arrival of certain bishops from the East, particularly from Antioch, where Nestorius had lived before he became the bishop of Constantinople. When they did reach Ephesus, they reconvened the council and condemned Cyril. The situation was resolved by the intervention of John of Antioch, who agreed to accept Cyril’s formula of the Incarnation, while Cyril agreed to accept the Antiochene terminology of two natures in Christ. The reunion was confirmed by the Council of Chalcedon in 451, which defined the orthodox doctrine of Christ’s two natures in one person. Cyril was recognized as a champion of orthodoxy and a defender of the faith. He was venerated as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and some Protestant denominations. He was declared a doctor of the church by Pope Leo XIII in 1882. He is also known as the Pillar of Faith, the Seal of all the Fathers, and the Doctor of the Incarnation. His feast day is June 27 in the Western Church and June 9 in the Eastern Church.
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