Ramesses III
Other names: Usermaatre Meryamun
Job / Known for: Pharaoh of the 20th dynasty
Left traces: Medinet Habu temple complex, Karnak additions
Date: -1217
Location: EG Egypt
Date: -1155-04-15 (aged 62)
Resting place: EG Valley of the Kings, KV11, Luxor, Egypt
Death Cause: Assassinated by a harem conspiracy
Spouse: Tyti, Isis Ta-Hemdjert, Tiye
Children: Amenherkhepeshef, Ramesses IV, Ramesses VI, Pareherwenemef, Montuherkhopshef, Pentawere, Khaemwaset, Ramesses VIII, Meryatum, Duatentopet
Parent(s): Setnakhte, Tiy-Merenese
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The Ma’at of Ra is strong, Beloved of Amun
About me / Bio:
Ramesses III was the second ruler of Egypt’s Twentieth Dynasty and was one of the last great Egyptian pharaohs. He reigned during a very turbulent time in the Mediterranean that saw the Trojan War, the fall of Mycenae, and a great surge of displaced people from all over the region that wreaked havoc and even toppled some empires1 He inherited a weakened Egypt from his father Setnakhte, who had restored order after a period of chaos. He faced three major threats during his reign: the Libyans, who invaded the western delta several times; the Sea Peoples, a confederation of migrating peoples from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean islands who had previously destroyed the Hittite empire and devastated Syria; and the internal troubles caused by economic decline, social unrest, and corruption2 He successfully repelled the foreign invasions and secured Egypt’s borders, but he could not prevent the loss of its overseas territories and influence. He also had to deal with the effects of a series of volcanic eruptions that disrupted the climate and caused crop failures and famine. He tried to revive the economy by encouraging trade and industry, sending a seaborne expedition to Punt, and exploiting the copper and gold mines of Sinai and Nubia. He also initiated a massive building program, constructing one of the largest mortuary temples of western Thebes, now-called Medinet Habu, as well as adding to the temple complex of Karnak. He also commissioned the longest surviving papyrus from ancient Egypt, the Papyrus Harris I, which records his achievements and donations to the temples3 Despite his efforts, Ramses III could not stop the decline of Egypt’s power and prestige. He faced a series of conspiracies and plots against his life, culminating in the infamous harem conspiracy led by his secondary wife Tiye and her son Pentawere, who wanted to overthrow him and place Pentawere on the throne. The plot was discovered and the conspirators were tried and punished, but Ramses III was fatally wounded in the process. He died on 15 April 1155 BC and was buried in the Valley of the Kings, in tomb KV11. He was succeeded by his son Ramesses IV, although many of his other sons would rule later4
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