Talib Al Naqib
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Job / Known for: Prime Minister of Iraq
Left traces: Reformist and pan-Arabist
Date: 1862-02-28
Location: IQ Basra
Date: 1929-06-16 (aged 67)
Resting place: DE Munich, Bavaria
Death Cause:
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Talib Al Naqib My QR code: Talib Al Naqib https://DearGone.com/12887
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The Arab nation is one nation and its land is one.
About me / Bio:
Talib Al-Naqib was an Iraqi politician and writer who became the first Minister of Interior in Iraq. He was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and belonged to a prominent family of nobles in Basra. He served as an Ottoman representative, governor of al-Hasa, and member of the Ottoman parliament. He supported the pan-Arab movement and opposed the Committee of Union and Progress. He was exiled to India by the British after they occupied Basra, but later returned to Iraq and became a candidate for the crown of Iraq. He was rejected in favor of Faysal, son of Husayn of Mecca, and was later banished again by the Ba'athist regime. He died in Germany in 1929.
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