Paulo Gracindo
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Job / Known for: Actor, radio host and TV presenter
Left traces: Many memorable characters in Brazilian Tv
Date: 1911-07-16
Location: BR Rio de Janeiro
Date: 1995-09-04 (aged 84)
Resting place: BR Cemitério São João Batista, Rio de Janeiro
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Beth Castro (1976-1984), Dulce Xavier de Araújo (1985-1995)
Children: Gracindo Júnior, Arlete Salles, Paulo Goulart Filho, Denise Del Vecchio
Parent(s): Argentina Guimarães and Demócrito Gracindo
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I'm a man of the people who try to be nice.
About me / Bio:
Paulo Gracindo was born in Rio de Janeiro, but moved to Maceió as a baby. He dreamed of being an actor, but his father opposed his career choice. He only pursued his passion after his father's death, when he was 20 years old. He moved back to Rio, where he faced many difficulties and hardships. He joined the Teatro Ginástico Português, a prestigious theater group at the time, and changed his name from Pelópidas Guimarães Brandão Gracindo to Paulo Gracindo. He made his debut in 1937, and soon became a popular and versatile actor. He worked in theater, cinema, radio and television, playing different roles and genres. He was especially known for his comic talent and his ability to create memorable characters. He was one of the stars of the Rádio Nacional, where he hosted his own show and participated in many radio dramas. His most famous role on radio was Alberto Limonta, the protagonist of the hit soap opera O Direito de Nascer. He also created the duo of Primo Pobre and Primo Rico, with Brandão Filho, in the comedy show Balança Mas Não Cai. On television, he worked in many telenovelas and humoristic programs. His most iconic character was Odorico Paraguaçu, the corrupt and hilarious mayor of Sucupira, in O Bem Amado, written by Dias Gomes. He also played memorable roles in Gabriela, O Casarão, Roque Santeiro, Rainha da Sucata and Deus nos Acuda. He won several awards for his work, including the Troféu Imprensa, the Prêmio Molière and the Prêmio APCA. He was married twice and had four children, all of them actors. He also had several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He died in 1995, at the age of 84, due to heart failure. He was buried in the Cemitério São João Batista, in Rio de Janeiro. He is considered one of the greatest actors in Brazilian history, and a reference for many generations of artists.
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