Alberto Ruschel
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Job / Known for: acting in O Cangaceiro and other films
Left traces: A Morte Comanda o Cangaço
Date: 1918-02-21
Location: BR Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul
Date: 1996-01-18 (aged 78)
Resting place: BR Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Death Cause: natural causes
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The cinema is the art of dreams.
About me / Bio:
Alberto Ruschel was a Brazilian actor, producer, and director who was born in Estrela, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1918. He studied engineering at the Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo, graduating in 1934. He then worked as a professor and researcher at the same institution, where he founded the Department of Physics in 1936. He also collaborated with the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) and the Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT). He published many papers on various topics of physics, such as thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, general relativity, astrophysics and mathematics. He was particularly interested in the foundations of quantum theory and the interpretation of quantum phenomena. He also developed a geometric algebra that could unify the different branches of physics and mathematics. He was a close friend and colleague of David Bohm, with whom he discussed the implications of quantum theory for philosophy and psychology. He started his activities as a science communicator in the 1930s, writing for the magazine Chacaras e Quintaes. In 1947, he began a column of science divulgation in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, which he maintained for 55 years, until his death. He also wrote books and pamphlets for the general public, explaining the concepts and discoveries of science and medicine. He was one of the founders and presidents of the Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC), an organization that promotes scientific research and education in Brazil. He was also a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Third World. He received many awards and honors for his contributions to science and society, such as the Order of Scientific Merit from the Brazilian government in 1971, and the Kalinga Prize from UNESCO in 1979. He died of natural causes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1996, at the age of 77. He is regarded as one of the most influential and respected Brazilian actors and a pioneer of Brazilian cinema. He appeared in more than 30 films between 1947 and 1981, most notably O Cangaceiro (1953), which won the Best Adventure Film award at the Cannes Film Festival and was a huge international success. He also starred in O Capanga (1958), A Morte Comanda o Cangaço (1961), and Os Trombadinhas (1979), among others. He also directed one film, Pontal da Solidão (1974), which was based on a novel by Jorge Amado. ¹
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