Tancredo Neves
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Job / Known for: President-elect of Brazil
Left traces: became President of the Municipal Legislature
Date: 1910-03-04
Location: BR São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais
Date: 1985-04-21 (aged 75)
Resting place: BR São João Batista Cemetery, São Paulo, São Paulo
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Risoleta Guimarães Tolentino
Children: 3
Parent(s): Francisco de Paula Neves and Antonina de Almeida Neves
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About me / Bio:
Tancredo Neves was a Brazilian politician, lawyer, and entrepreneur who served as Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs from 1953 to 1954, President of the Council of Ministers from 1961 to 1962, Minister of Finance in 1962, and as Governor of Minas Gerais from 1983 to 1984. He was elected President of the Republic in 1985, but died before taking office. He began his political career with the Progressistas (PP) of Minas Gerais, for whom he served as city councilman of São João del Rei from 1935 to 1937. He received the majority of votes and became President of the Municipal Legislature. He was elected state representative (1947–1950) and congressman (1951–1953) as a member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD). He took office in June 1953, acting as Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs until the suicide of President Getúlio Vargas. ¹ In 1954 Neves was elected congressman and served for one year. From 1956 to 1958 he was director of Banco de Crédito Real de Minas Gerais and President of Carteira de Redescontos of Banco do Brasil from 1956 to 1958. From 1958 to 1960 he headed the Department of Finance of Minas Gerais. Neves was nominated President of the Council of Ministers after President Jânio Quadros resigned and the introduction of the Parliamentary Regime in 1961 and was re-elected congressman in 1963. He was a leader of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), a political party created on 27 October 1965 through the Institutional Act Number Two (AI-2) which abolished all existing parties and the institution of bi-partisanship. ¹ He was a prominent leader of the opposition to the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985. He was arrested and exiled to Algeria in 1964, where he stayed until 1979. He returned to Brazil and resumed his political career, becoming a symbol of democracy and social justice. He was known for his support of the landless workers' movement, the public education system, and the universal health care system. He was also an advocate of regional development and cultural diversity. He died of heart failure in 1985, at the age of 75. He was the grandfather of Eduardo Campos, who was also a governor of Pernambuco and a presidential candidate in 2014. ¹
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