Manuel Francisco dos Santos
Other names: Garrincha
Job / Known for: Expressionist xylographer
Left traces: Two World Cup titles and 300 wood engravings
Date: 1933-10-28
Location: BR Pau Grande, Rio de Janeiro
Date: 1983-01-20 (aged 50)
Resting place: BR Cemitério São João Batista, Rio de Janeiro, Rua Real Grandeza
Death Cause: Liver cirrhosis
Spouse: Nair Marques, Iraci, Elza Soares, Marlene dos Santos
Children: 14 children by 5 different women
Parent(s): Emil Goeldi and Bertha Maria Magdalena Boehm
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Each trace is a piece of nerve with the vehemence of a barbarian heart
About me / Bio:
Garrincha was a Brazilian footballer who played as a right winger. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, and by many, one of the greatest dribblers ever. He was born with his right leg 6 centimetres shorter than his left, and his left leg turned outwards and his right turned inwards, but he overcame his physical limitations with his skill and creativity. He played for Botafogo for most of his career, winning several titles and scoring 84 goals in 238 appearances. He also played for Corinthians, Atlético Junior, Flamengo and Olaria. He was a key member of the Brazilian national team that won the World Cup in 1958 and 1962, being named the best player of the latter tournament. He formed a formidable partnership with Pelé, and Brazil never lost a match when they both played. He was known for his dribbling, speed, balance, feints, and ability to beat defenders with ease. He was also a charismatic and popular figure, earning the nicknames "The Joy of the People" and "The Angel with Bent Legs". He was admired by fans, teammates, opponents, and writers, who praised his artistry and flair. He was also influenced by Brazilian culture, especially samba music and carnival. He had a turbulent personal life, marked by alcoholism, womanizing, car accidents, and financial troubles. He died of liver cirrhosis in 1983, at the age of 49. He was buried in his hometown cemetery in Mage, but his remains were later moved to a niche in Rio de Janeiro. He is considered a national hero and a symbol of Brazilian football. He was honoured with several awards and tributes, including a statue, a museum, a stadium, and a film. He was also named in the FIFA World Cup All-Time Team, the World Team of the 20th Century, and the FIFA Player of the Century grand jury vote.
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