Other names: Suzzanna Martha Frederika van Osch
Job / Known for: Queen of Indonesian horror
Left traces: More than 40 films
Date: 1942-10-13
Location: ID Buitenzorg, West Java
Date: 2008-10-15 (aged 66)
Resting place: ID Magelang, Central Java
Death Cause: Diabetes
Spouse: Dicky Suprapto (1959-1974), Clift Sangra (1983-2008)
Children: Kiki Maria, Rama Yohanes, and Fero Walandouw
Parent(s): Willem Van Osch and Johanna Bojoh
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I don't want to be a star, I want to be an actress.
About me / Bio:
Suzzanna was an Indonesian actress who was known for her roles in horror films. She started her acting career in 1957, when she was only 15 years old. She won the Best Child Actress Award at the Asian Film Festival in 1960 for her role in Asrama Dara. She married actor Dicky Suprapto in 1959 and they established their own film production company, Tri Murni Film, in 1965. They divorced in 1974 and Suzzanna married another actor, Clift Sangra, in 1983. Suzzanna became famous for portraying spirits, witches, and other supernatural beings in films such as Sundel Bolong (1981), Nyi Blorong (1982), and Suzzanna: Bernapas dalam Kubur (2018). She was dubbed the "queen of Indonesian horror" and received several awards and nominations for her performances. She also starred in dramas, comedies, and historical films. She was known for her beauty, charisma, and distinctive voice. She died in 2008 at the age of 66 from complications of diabetes. She was buried in Magelang, Central Java, where she had lived for most of her life. She is regarded as one of the most influential and legendary actresses in Indonesian cinema history.
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