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Job / Known for: Balada singer and songwriter
Left traces: More than 100 songs
Date: 1948-07-12
Location: ID Jombang, East Java
Date: 1988-01-09 (aged 40)
Resting place: ID Surabaya, East Java
Death Cause: Lung disease
Parent(s): Slamet and Patukha
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Gombloh My QR code: Gombloh https://DearGone.com/12353
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Life is a wheel, sometimes up, sometimes down
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About me / Bio:
Gombloh was a famous Indonesian singer and songwriter who was known for his balada songs, which depicted the daily life of ordinary people, their struggles, hopes, and dreams. He was born in Jombang, East Java, in 1948, as Soedjarwoto. His parents left their home in Surabaya due to the Dutch military aggression and moved to Jombang. He was nicknamed Gombloh, which means pretending to be stupid. He studied at SMAN 5 Surabaya and then at the Tenth of November Institute of Technology, but he dropped out and pursued his passion for music. He moved to Bali and became a street performer. He joined the art rock group Lemon Tree's Anno '69, which was influenced by ELP and Genesis. He released his first solo album in 1979, and gained popularity with his songs such as Berita Cuaca, Kebayang-Kebayang, Hitam Putih, and Kami dan Alam. He wrote more than 100 songs, mostly in Javanese language. He was also involved in social and environmental issues, and donated to various causes. He died of lung disease in Surabaya in 1988, at the age of 39. He left behind a legacy of music that touched the hearts of millions of Indonesians.
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