Toshiki Kaifu
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Job / Known for: Prime minister of Japan
Left traces: Political reform and international cooperation
Date: 1931-01-02
Location: JP Ichinomiya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Date: 2022-01-09 (aged 91)
Resting place: JP
Death Cause: Pneumonia
Spouse: Sachiyo Yanagihara
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海部 俊樹

Politics must be clean.
About me / Bio:
Toshiki Kaifu was a Japanese politician who served as the 77th prime minister of Japan from 1989 to 1991. He was the first prime minister born in the Showa Era (1926-1989) and the last surviving former prime minister who had served in the 1980s. He was known for his efforts to reform the electoral system and the political culture of Japan, as well as his contributions to international peace and security. Kaifu was born on January 2, 1931, in Ichinomiya, Aichi Prefecture, as the eldest of six brothers. His family owned a photography studio that was established by his grandfather in the Meiji Era. He graduated from Waseda University, Tokyo, in 1954 and entered politics as a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). He won his first election to the House of Representatives in 1960 and was regularly reelected thereafter. He served as deputy chief secretary of Prime Minister Miki Takeo’s cabinet in 1974-76 and then became minister of education (1976-77) under Prime Minister Fukuda Takeo. He held this post again in 1985-86 under Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiro. Kaifu became prime minister in August 1989, after the resignations of Prime Ministers Takeshita Noboru and Uno Sosuke due to financial scandals and public dissatisfaction with the LDP. He was elected on the platform of clean leadership and pledged to reform the political system and the party organization. He also faced the challenges of the changing global situation, such as the end of the Cold War, the Gulf War, and the rise of China. He resisted pressure from the United States to send troops to the Gulf War, but instead offered financial and humanitarian assistance. He also negotiated with the Soviet Union over the Northern Territories dispute and with the United States over trade issues. He advocated a more active role for Japan in international affairs and supported the United Nations and its peacekeeping operations. Kaifu was popular among the public, but he faced opposition from his own party, especially from the powerful faction led by Takeshita, who had supported his rise to power. Kaifu's attempts to introduce a single-seat electoral system and to eliminate money politics were met with resistance from the LDP, which feared losing its dominance. When Kaifu threatened to dissolve the parliament and call a snap election, the LDP leaders withdrew their support and forced him to step down as party president and prime minister in October 1991. Kaifu remained involved in politics after leaving office. He left the LDP in 1994 and became the leader of the Shinshinto (New Frontier Party), a coalition of opposition parties that challenged the LDP. However, he failed to become prime minister again and the Shinshinto disbanded in 1997. He rejoined the LDP in 2003 and retired from politics in 2009, after losing his seat in the House of Representatives. He was the longest-serving member of the parliament, with a total of 49 years. Kaifu died from pneumonia on January 9, 2022, at a Tokyo hospital, at the age of 91. The announcement of his death to the media was delayed until January 14. He was widely praised for his integrity, modesty, and vision, and was remembered as a pioneer of Japan's political reform and international cooperation.
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