Yu Hung chun
Other names: O. K. Yui
Job / Known for: Premier of the Republic of China
Left traces: Reformed tax system, promoted industrialization
Date: 1898-01-04
Location: CN Guangzhou, Guangdong, Qing Empire
Date: 1960-06-01 (aged 62)
Resting place: CN Taipei, Taiwan
Death Cause: Cerebral hemorrhage
Spouse: Chen Lianbo
Children: 2, including Yü Chao-chün and Yü Chao-ti
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Yu Hung chun My QR code: Yu Hung chun https://DearGone.com/11747
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The people are the foundation of the nation
About me / Bio:
Yü Hung-chün was a Chinese economist and politician who served as the premier of the Republic of China twice, in 1954-1958 and 1963-1964. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, and was a professor of economics at National Central University and National Taiwan University. He was a close associate of Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Kuomintang ("Chinese Nationalist Party"), and held various positions in the Nationalist Government, such as the minister of finance, the governor of the Central Bank of China, and the vice president of the Executive Yuan. He was elected as the premier by the National Assembly in 1954 and 1963, but resigned each time due to political conflicts or health reasons. He was known for his economic reforms, his diplomatic skills, and his moderate views. He was involved in several important negotiations, such as the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty, the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty, and the Geneva Conference. He also played a key role in reforming the tax system, promoting industrialization, and stabilizing the currency in Taiwan. He was regarded as one of the most influential and respected figures in modern Chinese history.
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