Francisco Tarrega
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Job / Known for: Classical guitar composer and performer
Left traces: Many original compositions
Date: 1852-11-21
Location: ES Villarreal, Castellón
Date: 1909-12-15 (aged 57)
Resting place: ES Barcelona
Death Cause: Stroke
Spouse: María José Rizo
Children: Four daughters: Luisa, María Rosalía, María Josefa and Paquita
Parent(s): Francisco Tárrega and Antonia Eixea
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To pluck the guitar is to touch the soul
About me / Bio:
Francisco Tárrega was a Spanish composer and classical guitarist of the late Romantic period. He is widely considered the father of modern classical guitar playing and one of the greatest guitarists of all time. He is known for such pieces as Capricho Árabe and Recuerdos de la Alhambra. Tárrega was born on 21 November 1852, in Villarreal, Province of Castellón, Spain. His father played flamenco and other music styles on his guitar, and Tárrega was fascinated by the instrument since his childhood. He suffered an eye infection that impaired his vision, and his father moved the family to Castellón de la Plana to attend music classes. He learned guitar from blind teachers Eugeni Ruiz and Manuel González, and piano from José Miralles. In 1862, he met the concert guitarist Julián Arcas, who advised his father to let him study with him in Barcelona. Tárrega's father agreed, but also insisted that he take piano lessons. However, Tárrega soon ran away from home and tried to make a living by playing guitar in coffee houses and restaurants. He was brought back by his father several times, but he always escaped again to pursue his musical career. By his early teens, Tárrega was proficient on both the piano and the guitar. He entered the Madrid Royal Conservatory in 1874, under the sponsorship of a wealthy merchant named Antonio Canesa. There he studied composition under Emilio Arrieta, who encouraged him to focus on guitar and abandon the piano. He also acquired a fine guitar made by Antonio de Torres, which inspired him to compose and perform more. Tárrega began to give concerts in Spain and abroad, gaining fame and recognition as a virtuoso guitarist and composer. He also taught many students, some of whom became famous guitarists themselves, such as Emilio Pujol, Miguel Llobet and Daniel Fortea. He married María José Rizo in 1881 and had four daughters with her. He settled in Barcelona in 1885 and continued to compose, perform and teach until his death. Tárrega's style was influenced by Romantic composers such as Chopin, Schumann and Mendelssohn, as well as by Spanish folk music and flamenco. He wrote many original compositions for guitar, such as preludes, studies, waltzes, mazurkas, tarantellas and tangos. He also transcribed many works by other composers for guitar, such as Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Schubert's Ave Maria and Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. Tárrega's music is characterized by its lyrical melodies, rich harmonies, expressive dynamics and refined techniques. He developed a unique way of plucking the strings with his fingers instead of using a plectrum or nails. He also used various effects such as vibrato, glissando, harmonics and tremolo to create different timbres and moods. His music is considered to be the foundation of modern classical guitar repertoire. Tárrega suffered from several health problems throughout his life, such as deafness in one ear, paralysis in his right arm and chronic headaches. In December 1909, he had another stroke that proved fatal. He died on 15 December 1909 in Barcelona at the age of 57. He was buried in the Cementeri de Castelló, where a monument was erected in his honor. His legacy lives on in his music and his students, who spread his teachings and influence around the world.
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