Antonio Machado
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Job / Known for: Poet and leading figure of the Generation of '98
Left traces: His poetry collections and his influence
Date: 1875-07-26
Location: ES Seville
Date: 1939-02-22 (aged 64)
Resting place: FR Collioure
Death Cause: Pneumonia
Spouse: Leonor Izquierdo (1909-1912)
Parent(s): Antonio Machado Álvarez and Ana Ruiz Hernández
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Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking.
About me / Bio:
Antonio Machado was a Spanish poet and one of the leading figures of the Spanish literary movement known as the Generation of '98. His work, initially modernist, evolved towards an intimate form of symbolism with romantic traits. He gradually developed a style characterised by both an engagement with humanity on one side and an almost Taoist contemplation of existence on the other, a synthesis that according to Machado echoed the most ancient popular wisdom. In Gerardo Diego's words, Machado "spoke in verse and lived in poetry." Machado was born in Seville, Spain, one year after his brother Manuel. He was a grandson to the noted Spanish folklorist, Cipriana Álvarez Durán. The family moved to Madrid in 1883 and both brothers enrolled in the Institución Libre de Enseñanza. During these years—with the encouragement of his teachers—Antonio discovered his passion for literature. While completing his Bachillerato in Madrid, economic difficulties forced him to take several jobs including working as an actor. In 1899, he and his brother traveled to Paris to work as translators for a French publisher. During these months in Paris, he came into contact with the great French Symbolist poets Jean Moréas, Paul Fort and Paul Verlaine, and also with other contemporary literary figures, including Rubén Darío and Oscar Wilde. These encounters cemented Machado's decision to dedicate himself to poetry. In 1901, he had his first poems published in the literary journal 'Electra'. His first book of poetry was published in 1903, titled Soledades. Over the next few years, he gradually amended the collection, removing some and adding many more. In 1907, the definitive collection was published with the title Soledades and Galerías. Otros Poemas. In the same year, Machado was offered the job of Professor of French at the school in Soria. Here, he met Leonor Izquierdo, daughter of the owners of the boarding house Machado was staying in. They were married in 1909, he was 34 and Leonor was 15. Early in 1911, the couple went to live in Paris where Machado read more French literature and studied philosophy. In the summer however, Leonor was diagnosed with advanced tuberculosis and they returned to Spain. On 1 August 1912, Leonor died, just a few weeks after the publication of Campos de Castilla. Machado was devastated and left Soria, the city that had inspired the poetry of Campos, never to return. He went to live in Baeza, Andalusia, where he stayed until 1919. It was here also that Antonio had a secret affair with Pilar de Valderrama, a married woman with three children, to whom he would refer in his work by the name Guiomar. In 1932, he was given the post of professor at the "Instituto Calderón de la Barca" in Madrid. During this period he wrote Nuevas canciones (1924), Poesías completas (1928) and Juan de Mairena (1936). He also collaborated with his brother Manuel on several plays. When Spain erupted in civil war in 1936, Machado initially remained in Madrid. But in 1939, as the country further degenerated into violence, Machado fled with his mother to Paris. During the journey, however, he developed pneumonia, and he died in Collioure, a fishing village on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. He is buried there in the old cemetery. His last poem, written on a piece of paper found in his coat after his death, reads: "These days blue and this sun of childhood".
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