Hermann Hesse
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Job / Known for: Writer, poet, novelist
Left traces: His novels and poems
Date: 1877-07-02
Location: DE Calw, Germany
Date: 1962-08-09 (aged 85)
Resting place: CH
Death Cause: Cerebral hemorrhage
Spouse: Maria Bernoulli (1904–1923), Ruth Wenger (1924–1927), Ninon Dolbin (1931–1962)
Children: Bruno Hesse, Heiner Hesse, Martin Hesse
Parent(s): Johannes Hesse and Marie Gundert Hesse
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Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go
About me / Bio:
Hermann Hesse was a German-Swiss writer and poet who explored the themes of individuality, spirituality, and self-knowledge in his novels and poems. He was born in 1877 in Calw, Germany, to a family of Protestant missionaries. He had a rebellious and restless childhood, often clashing with his parents and teachers. He attempted suicide at the age of 15 and was sent to a mental institution. He later ran away from school and worked as a bookseller, mechanic, and clockmaker. Hesse began writing poetry and fiction in his early twenties. His first novel, Peter Camenzind (1904), was a success and allowed him to pursue writing full-time. He traveled extensively in Europe and Asia, seeking inspiration and spiritual enlightenment. He was influenced by various philosophical and religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Jungian psychology. He also developed an interest in painting and music. Some of his most famous works include Demian (1919), a coming-of-age story that reflects his own inner struggles; Siddhartha (1922), a spiritual journey of a young man in ancient India; Steppenwolf (1927), a psychological portrait of a lonely and tormented intellectual; Narcissus and Goldmund (1930), a contrast between two medieval friends with different paths in life; and The Glass Bead Game (1943), a utopian novel set in a futuristic society devoted to intellectual pursuits. Hesse was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946 for his contribution to German literature. He also received the Goethe Prize and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. He was admired by many readers and writers around the world, especially during the 1960s counterculture movement. He died in 1962 in Montagnola, Switzerland, where he had lived since 1919. He is buried at the Sant'Abbondio Cemetery in Gentilino.
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