Margaret Morris
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Job / Known for: Dancer and choreographer
Left traces: Margaret Morris Movement
Date: 1891-04-14
Location: GB London, England
Date: 1980-02-29 (aged 89)
Resting place: GB
Death Cause: Natural causes
Spouse: John Duncan Fergusson
Children: None
Parent(s): William Morris and Mary Ann Morris
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I believe that the dance of the future will have to return to the natural movements of the body
About me / Bio:
Margaret Morris was a pioneer of modern dance and choreography in Britain. She was born in London in 1891 and showed an early talent for dancing and music. She studied ballet, but found it too rigid and restrictive for her expressive style. She deve oped her own system of dance and exercise, based on natural movements and breathing, which she called Margaret Morris Movement (MMM). She also founded the Celtic Ballet, the first British ballet company that used folk music and themes. She was a prolific choreographer, creating over 300 works for stage, film and television. She also taught many famous dancers, actors and singers, such as Isadora Duncan, Vivien Leigh and David Bowie. She was also a painter, writer and costume designer. She was married to John Duncan Fergusson, a Scottish painter and one of the Scottish Colourists. They lived together in Paris, London and Glasgow, and were part of the avant-garde artistic circles of their time. They also travelled extensively in Europe, North Africa and India. They settled in St Fillans, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, where they established the Fergusson Gallery. Margaret Morris died in 1980 at the age of 88. She left behind a legacy of artistic innovation and inspiration for generations of dancers and choreographers.
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