Jean Meslier
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Job / Known for: Priest and author of a book
Left traces: His posthumous work, which criticizes
Date: 1664-06-15
Location: FR Mazerny, France
Date: 1729-06-17 (aged 65)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Natural causes
Parent(s): Gérard Meslier and Symphorienne Braidy
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But a castle in the air, A phrase he used to describe religion in his Testament
About me / Bio:
Jean Meslier was a French Catholic priest who was discovered, upon his death, to have written a book-length philosophical essay promoting atheism and materialism. Described by the author as his "testament" to his parishioners, the text criticizes and denounces all religions. He also expressed his views on social issues, such as the exploitation of the poor by the rich and the corruption of the clergy. He advocated for a society based on reason, equality, and justice. He lived a simple and austere life, donating his surplus income to the poor. He was involved in a public dispute with a local nobleman over the mistreatment of the peasants, which earned him a reprimand from the ecclesiastical authorities. He kept his atheism and radicalism secret until his death, when he left three copies of his manuscript to be distributed among his friends. His work was later edited and published by Voltaire and other Enlightenment thinkers, who praised him as a precursor of their movement.
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