Bernard of Clairvaux
Other names: Saint Bernard, Doctor Mellifluu
Job / Known for: Cistercian monk
Left traces: Sermons, letters, treatises, and hymns
Date: 1090
Location: FR Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Burgundy, France
Date: 1153-08-20 (aged 63)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Gastrointestinal disease
Parent(s): Tescelin de Fontaine and Alèthe de Montbard [ fr]
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Bernardus Claraevallensis

The road to hell is paved with good intentions
About me / Bio:
Bernard of Clairvaux was one of the most influential churchmen of his time. He was a leader in the reform of the Benedictine Order through the Cistercian movement, which emphasized a return to the simplicity and austerity of the Rule of Saint Benedict. He was also a prolific writer of sermons, letters, treatises, and hymns, which expressed his deep devotion to Christ and Mary. He was a champion of orthodoxy against heresy and schism, and a promoter of the Second Crusade. He was canonized in 1174 and declared a doctor of the church in 1830. Bernard was born in 1090 in Fontaine-lès-Dijon, near Dijon, in Burgundy, France. His parents were Tescelin de Fontaine, a knight of lower nobility, and Alèthe de Montbard [ fr], a daughter of a noble house. He was the third of seven children, six of whom were sons. He received an education at a school run by secular canons in Châtillon-sur-Seine. He was deeply influenced by his mother's piety and devotion to Mary. She died when he was about 17 years old. In 1112, Bernard decided to enter the Cistercian monastery of Cîteaux, which had been founded in 1098 by Robert of Molesme as a reform movement within the Benedictine Order. He persuaded four of his brothers, an uncle, and 25 friends to join him. He soon became the right-hand man of Stephen Harding, the abbot of Cîteaux. In 1115, he was sent to found a new monastery at Clairvaux, a secluded valley in Champagne. He became the abbot of Clairvaux and remained there for the rest of his life. Under Bernard's leadership, Clairvaux grew rapidly and became the motherhouse of hundreds of Cistercian monasteries throughout Europe. Bernard was known for his strict observance of the monastic rule, his zeal for prayer and contemplation, his care for the poor and sick, and his love for nature. He also attracted many disciples and visitors who sought his spiritual guidance and counsel. Bernard's influence extended beyond the monastic sphere. He was sought as an advisor and mediator by popes, kings, bishops, and nobles. He played a key role in ending the papal schism that arose in 1130 with the election of the antipope Anacletus II. He supported Pope Innocent II against Anacletus II and traveled throughout Europe to rally support for him. He also defended the papal authority against secular interference from Emperor Henry V and King Louis VI of France. Bernard was a staunch defender of orthodoxy against heresy and schism. He opposed the teachings of Peter Abelard, a renowned theologian and philosopher who challenged some traditional doctrines with rational arguments. Bernard accused Abelard of pride and arrogance and denounced him as a heretic at the Council of Sens in 1140. Abelard was condemned by the council and retired to a monastery. Bernard also confronted Arnold of Brescia, a former disciple of Abelard who advocated clerical reform and political revolution. Bernard denounced Arnold as a schismatic and a rebel and urged Pope Eugenius III to suppress him. Bernard was also instrumental in launching the Second Crusade in 1145-1149. He preached the crusade at the request of Pope Eugenius III, who was his former pupil at Clairvaux. He appealed to the Christian princes and knights to take up arms to defend the Holy Land against the Muslim invaders. He aroused a wave of enthusiasm and devotion among the people with his eloquence and charisma. He also persuaded King Louis VII of France and Emperor Conrad III of Germany to join the crusade. However, the crusade ended in failure and disaster, and Bernard felt responsible for its outcome. Bernard died on August 20, 1153, at Clairvaux. He was buried in the abbey church, but his remains were later transferred to Troyes Cathedral during the French Revolution. He was canonized by Pope Alexander III in 1174 and declared a doctor of the church by Pope Pius VIII in 1830. He is venerated as the patron saint of Cistercians, Burgundy, beekeepers, candlemakers, Gibraltar, Algeciras, Queens' College, Cambridge, Speyer Cathedral, Knights Templar, and Binangonan, Rizal. His feast day is August 20. He is also known as Saint Bernard, Doctor Mellifluus (the honey-sweet doctor), Last of the Fathers (the last of the Latin Church Fathers), and Confessor (one who confesses the faith).
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