Harold Godwinson
Other names: Harold II, Harold of Wessex, Harold of England
Job / Known for: The last crowned Anglo-Saxon king of England
Left traces: Rebuilding Waltham Abbey, defending
Date: 1022
Location: GB Wessex, England
Date: 1066-10-14 (aged 44)
Resting place: GB
Death Cause: Killed by an arrow in the eye or by four knights at the Battle of Hastings
Spouse: Edith the Fair (partner from 1045 to 1066), Ealdgyth of Mercia (m. 1066)
Children: Godwin, Edmund, Magnus, Gunhild and Gytha (by Edith); Ulf and possibly Harold (by Ealdgyth)
Parent(s): Godwin, Earl of Wessex (father) and Gytha Thorkelsdóttir (mother)
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The past must be a springboard, not a sofa.
About me / Bio:
"Harold Godwinson was born in Wessex, England, around 1022. He was a son of Godwin, the powerful Earl of Wessex, and Gytha Thorkelsdóttir, a Danish noblewoman. He had five brothers and three sisters, and was related to King Cnut the Great through his mother's side. He grew up in a turbulent time when England was divided between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes. He became a loyal supporter of King Edward the Confessor, who was his brother-in-law through his sister Edith's marriage. He also became a skilled warrior and leader, fighting against the Welsh, the Scots and the Norsemen. He rose to prominence as Earl of East Anglia in 1045 and later as Earl of Wessex in 1053 after his father's death. He was the most powerful nobleman in England and had a large influence on the king's policies. He also had a long-term relationship with Edith the Fair, also known as Edith Swanneck, who bore him at least five children. Harold was chosen by King Edward as his successor on his deathbed on 5 January 1066. He was crowned as King Harold II on 6 January at Westminster Abbey, becoming the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. However, his claim to the throne was challenged by two rival claimants: Harald Hardrada, King of Norway, and William, Duke of Normandy. Both of them had some basis for their claims: Harald was related to King Magnus I of Norway, who had made a pact with King Harthacnut of Denmark and England in 1038; William was a distant cousin of King Edward and claimed that Edward had promised him the throne in 1051 and that Harold had sworn allegiance to him in 1064. Harold faced a double invasion in 1066. First, he marched north to confront Harald Hardrada and his ally Tostig Godwinson, Harold's estranged brother who had rebelled against him in 1065. Harold defeated them at the Battle of Stamford Bridge on 25 September, killing both Harald and Tostig. However, he soon learned that William had landed in Sussex with a large army. He hurried south to meet him at the Battle of Hastings on 14 October. The battle was fierce and lasted all day. Harold fought bravely but was eventually killed by an arrow in the eye or by four knights who hacked him to pieces. His body was mutilated by the Normans and buried under a cairn of stones on the battlefield. Later, his remains were moved to Waltham Abbey, which he had founded and rebuilt². His death marked the end of Anglo-Saxon rule over England and the beginning of Norman domination."
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