William the Conqueror
Other names: William I of England
Job / Known for: King of England, Duke of Normandy,
Left traces: He changed the course of English history
Date: 1028
Location: GB Falaise, Normandy, (born in France)
Date: 1087-09-09 (aged 59)
Resting place: FR
Death Cause: Internal injuries from a fall off his horse
Spouse: Matilda of Flanders (m. 1053; d. 1083) 1
Children: Robert Curthose, Richard, Adeliza, Cecilia, William Rufus, Constance, Adela, Henry Beauclerc 1
Parent(s): Robert I of Normandy and Herleva of Falaise
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Guillaume le Conquérant

England is a paradise for women, and hell for horses; Italy is a paradise for horses, hell for women
About me / Bio:
William the Conqueror was born in 1028 as the illegitimate son of Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and Herleva of Falaise, a tanner’s daughter. He inherited the duchy of Normandy at the age of seven when his father died on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He faced many challenges from rival nobles who tried to take advantage of his youth and weakness. He had to fight several wars to secure his authority and expand his domains. He married Matilda of Flanders in 1053, who was a descendant of King Alfred the Great and a niece of the French king. They had four sons and six daughters. William claimed that he had been promised the throne of England by his cousin Edward the Confessor, who died childless in 1066. He also said that Harold Godwinson, the powerful earl of Wessex who was crowned as King Harold II, had sworn allegiance to him. William decided to invade England to assert his claim. He gathered a large army of Normans and other allies and sailed across the English Channel in September 1066. He landed at Pevensey and marched towards London. He met Harold’s army at Hastings on October 14 and defeated them in a bloody battle that lasted all day. Harold was killed by an arrow in his eye, according to legend. William was crowned as King William I on Christmas Day at Westminster Abbey. William faced many rebellions and resistance from the Anglo-Saxon population who resented his foreign rule and harsh policies. He crushed them with brutal force and imposed his feudal system on the land. He rewarded his loyal followers with lands and titles and replaced most of the English nobility and clergy with Normans. He also ordered a survey of his new kingdom, known as the Domesday Book, which recorded the wealth and resources of every landowner and tenant. He built many castles and fortifications to secure his control, such as the Tower of London and Windsor Castle. He also founded or patronized many religious institutions, such as Battle Abbey and Durham Cathedral. William spent much of his reign in Normandy, where he had to deal with the threats from the French king, his rebellious son Robert Curthose, and other enemies. He also intervened in the affairs of Scotland and Wales and tried to extend his influence over them. He died in 1087 from internal injuries he suffered when his horse stumbled during a siege of Mantes in France. He was buried in Caen at the Abbey of Saint-Étienne, which he had founded with his wife Matilda. His sons succeeded him as kings of England and dukes of Normandy, but they fought each other for power and territory. William’s legacy was immense and lasting. He transformed England into a feudal monarchy with a strong central government and a distinctive Anglo-Norman culture. He also influenced the development of the English language by introducing many French words and expressions. He is regarded as one of the most important and influential figures in English history12345
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