John Henry Bonham
Other names: Bonzo, The Beast, Powerhouse
Job / Known for: Drummer of Led Zeppelin
Left traces: Led Zeppelin's discography, Moby Dick drum sol
Date: 1948-05-31
Location: GB Redditch, Worcestershire, England
Date: 1980-09-25 (aged 32)
Resting place: GB
Death Cause: Pulmonary asphyxiation
Spouse: Patricia Phillips (m. 1968 - d. 1980)
Children: Jason Bonham (1966 - ), Zoe Bonham (1975 - )
Parent(s): Joan Bonham (mother), Jack Bonham (father)
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You only live twice: Once when you are born And once when you look death in the face.
About me / Bio:
John Bonham was a British musician who is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential drummers in rock history. He was best known as the drummer of the legendary rock band Led Zeppelin, which he co-founded with guitarist Jimmy Page, singer Robert Plant and bassist John Paul Jones in 1968. He was nicknamed Bonzo, The Beast and Powerhouse for his powerful and energetic drumming style, which combined speed, groove, swing and technical skill. He was also known for his use of a large drum kit, which included timpani, gong and congas, and for his famous drum solo "Moby Dick", which often lasted over 20 minutes in live performances. Bonham was born on May 31, 1948 in Redditch, Worcestershire, England. He started playing drums at the age of five, using pots and pans as his first instruments. He received his first snare drum at the age of 10 and his first drum kit at the age of 15. He was influenced by jazz and blues drummers such as Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich and Max Roach. He played in several local bands in his teens, including the Blue Star Trio, Terry Webb and the Spiders, and the Band of Joy, which also featured Robert Plant. He met Jimmy Page in 1966, when he was invited to play on a session for singer P.J. Proby. Page was impressed by Bonham's drumming and asked him to join his new band, the New Yardbirds, which later became Led Zeppelin. With Led Zeppelin, Bonham achieved worldwide fame and success. The band released eight studio albums between 1969 and 1979, selling over 300 million copies worldwide. They are considered one of the most influential and innovative bands in rock history, blending hard rock, blues, folk, psychedelia and world music. Some of their most famous songs include "Stairway to Heaven", "Whole Lotta Love", "Kashmir", "Black Dog" and "Immigrant Song". Bonham's drumming was a key element of their sound, providing a solid foundation and a dynamic range for Page's guitar riffs, Plant's vocals and Jones' bass lines. He also contributed to the songwriting and production of some of their songs, such as "Rock and Roll", "When the Levee Breaks" and "Fool in the Rain". Bonham also played drums for other artists outside Led Zeppelin, such as Roy Wood, Paul McCartney and Wings, Lulu, Screaming Lord Sutch and the Family Dogg. He was close friends with fellow drummers Carmine Appice, Keith Moon and Cozy Powell. He was married to Patricia Phillips since 1968 and had two children: Jason and Zoe. Jason followed his father's footsteps and became a drummer for bands such as Airrace, UFO and Foreigner. He also played with Led Zeppelin on several occasions after his father's death. Bonham died on September 25, 1980 at the age of 32 from pulmonary asphyxiation caused by inhalation of vomit after a heavy drinking binge. He was found unconscious at Page's house in Windsor, where he had been rehearsing for an upcoming tour with Led Zeppelin. He was cremated and buried at St. Michael's Churchyard in Rushock, Worcestershire. His death led to the disbandment of Led Zeppelin, as the remaining members decided not to continue without him. He was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1995 as a member of Led Zeppelin. In 2016, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him as the greatest drummer of all time.
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