Abu al-Mughith al-Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj
Other names: Mansur al-Hallaj, Hallaj, Mansur منصور الحلاج، حلاج، منصور، الحسين المغيث
Job / Known for: Mystic, poet, teacher of Sufism
Left traces: poemsو sayings 'Ana al-Haqq' (I am the Truth)
Date: 858-11-09
Location: IR Turan, Khurasan
Date: 922-03-26 (aged 64)
Resting place: IQ
Death Cause: Execution by crucifixion
Parent(s): Mansur ibn Ammar al-Hallaj (father)
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I am He whom I love, and He whom I love is I.
About me / Bio:
Abu al-Mughith al-Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj was a Persian mystic, poet and teacher of Sufism. He was born in Turan, Khurasan (now in Iran) in 858 CE. He was a disciple of Sahl al-Tustari and Junayd al-Baghdadi, two prominent Sufi masters of his time. He also traveled to various regions and countries, such as India, China, Turkestan and Arabia, to seek spiritual knowledge and spread his teachings. He was known for his asceticism, devotion and eloquence. Al-Hallaj became famous and controversial for his utterance "Ana al-Haqq" (I am the Truth), which many people interpreted as a claim of divinity or unity with God. Others understood it as an expression of annihilation of the self and manifestation of God through him. He also uttered other phrases that shocked the orthodox Muslims, such as "There is nothing wrapped in my cloak but God" and "Glory be to me! How great is my majesty!". Al-Hallaj was accused of heresy, blasphemy and apostasy by some religious authorities and political rivals. He was arrested and imprisoned for several years in Baghdad under the orders of the Abbasid caliph Al-Muqtadir. He was subjected to torture and interrogation, but he refused to recant his words or repent. He was finally executed by crucifixion on 26 March 922 CE at the age of 63. His body was mutilated, burned and thrown into the Tigris river. Al-Hallaj left behind many poems and sayings that reflect his mystical vision and experience. His most famous work is Kitab al-Tawasin (The Book of Consolation), a collection of eleven essays on various topics related to Sufism and gnosis. He also wrote Kitab al-Aql wa'l-Kalb (The Book of Reason and Heart), Kitab al-Arba'in fi Usul al-Din (The Book of Forty on the Principles of Religion), Kitab al-Asrar (The Book of Secrets), Kitab al-Nusus (The Book of Texts) and others. His poems and sayings have been translated into many languages and have inspired many later Sufis and poets. Al-Hallaj is regarded as one of the greatest mystics and martyrs of Islam. He is revered by many Sufis as a saint and a symbol of love, sacrifice and sincerity. He is also admired by some non-Muslims as a universal mystic who transcended the boundaries of religion and culture. His life and death have been the subject of many literary works, such as The Passion of al-Hallaj by Louis Massignon, The Trial of Mansur Hallaj by Farid ud-Din Attar, The Conference of the Birds by Farid ud-Din Attar, The Secrets of the Self by Muhammad Iqbal, The Mantle Adorned by Abdal Hakim Murad and others.
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