The meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poems

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The meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poems
The meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poemsThe meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poemsThe meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poemsThe meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poemsThe meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poemsThe meaning of May (wine) in Hafez's poems
Profile: Hafez


Died: 1390 A.D
Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth: You owe me.

Hafez was a Persian poet and mystic who is widely regarded as one of the greatest lyric poets of all time. He was born in Shiraz, Iran, in the early 14th century and lived during a turbulent period of political and religious change. He received a classical religious education and became proficient in Arabic and Persian languages, as well as Islamic sciences. He also memorized the Quran at an early age and earned the title of Hafez, meaning 'the memorizer' or 'the keeper'. Hafez was influenced by Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam that seeks to attain union with God through love and devotion. He expressed his spiritual experiences and insights in his poetry, using the genre of ghazal, a form of lyric poem that consists of rhyming couplets with a common refrain. His poems are rich in imagery and symbolism, often using metaphors of wine, taverns, lovers, and nightingales to convey his mystical themes. His poems also reflect his criticism of hypocrisy and fanaticism among the religious and political elites of his time. Hafez's poetry is widely admired for its musicality, spontaneity, and beauty. His Divan, a collection of his poems, is considered a masterpiece of Persian literature and a source of inspiration for many poets and artists. His poems are also popular among ordinary Iranians, who recite them by heart and use them as proverbs and sayings. Hafez's poetry has been translated into many languages and has influenced many writers, such as Goethe, Emerson, Thoreau, Borges, and Garcia Lorca. Hafez died in Shiraz in 1390 or 1389 and was buried in a garden that he often mentioned in his poems. His tomb is a site of pilgrimage and celebration for his admirers.

Published: 2024-06-29 Author: Arian Yahyapour

Recognition of May in Hafez's poems and the place of wine in Hafez's literature

Knowing what May means in Hafez's poetry and what place wine has in Hafez's literature can bring us closer to the mystical or true concepts that Hazrat Hafez expressed. From the time of Hafez until today, among mystics and people of literature, this question has been discussed, what does Hafez mean by wine and wine? Sometimes this meaning took on mystical and epistemological aspects, and it was mentioned about wine and wine, sometimes it was taken as if Hazrat Hafez drank wine and mentioned this in his poems. In the rest of the article, we will discuss this issue in full.

Recognition of May in Hafez's poems and the place of wine in Hafez's literature

Why did Hafez use wine and wine a lot in his poems?

In order to answer the question why Hafez used wine and wine a lot in his poems, we must have a detailed understanding of the historical context of Hafez's life, this famous Shirazi poet who set foot outside the city of Shiraz except once during his life. Negashte lived in the most inflammatory historical period of Iran. After the Arab invasion of Iran, the Iranians were trying to revive the authentic Iranian culture, but after a while, the Ghaznavid, Seljuk, and Khwarazmshahi Turks dominated the country, and this dominance of the Mongol Turks led to the end of the era of Arab influence.
It has been said that the cultural eclecticism was formed in such a way that there was a suffocation in the Iranian society and people had to use the weapons of allegory, allegory and poetry in order to be able to express themselves. It was at this time that great poets like Saadi and then Hafez emerged and the society turned in this direction.
Now let's go back to the main question, why did Hafez use wine and wine in his poems? It should be said that one of the reasons for this was the fact that the expediency of the time demanded that Hafez express his words in the form of poems and parables, and because the people of that time were familiar with the concepts of drinking wine, drinking, etc., and it was far from their minds. It was not there, and in the eyes of a large part of the Iranian-Islamic society, this practice was condemned, Hafez tried to use the concepts of wine and wine more in his poems to convey the concept to his audience with an allegory.
Some examples of the use of wine and wine in Hafez's poems
Here we would like to point out some examples of Hafez's verses in which wine and wine are mentioned so that Hafez can teach his concepts to the people.

Why did Hafez use wine and wine a lot in his poems?

Color the carpet, old Gareth Moghan says
that the old man was not unaware of the ways and customs of the houses

Tafsir and meaning of this verse: Here, Hafez correctly used wine and wine and said that if Pir Moghan, who is the guide of mystics and has followed the path of mysticism, tells you to color your prayer mat with wine, don't bring it because He walks the path and speaks to you from the end of the path.
The cup of May and the heart's blood were given to someone
In the circle of the part, the situation is like this

Tafsir and meaning of this verse: In this verse, Hafiz also says that God's judgment and destiny is on it so that some people enjoy blessings and others live in poverty and misery from this cup as blessings and heart blood. It has been mentioned as difficulties.
Sheik, Hafiz, Mufti and Mohtasib eat
Because if you look carefully, everyone cheats
Interpretation and meaning of this verse: In this verse, Hafez may seem to have encouraged his audience to drink wine, but on the other hand, we see the concept of hypocrisy, here Hafez says drink as much wine as you want, but don't be hypocritical, it seems To show the bad concepts of hypocrisy, he used the very bad concept of drinking wine to show the extent of the badness of the first act in the eyes of his audience.
May eat a hundred sins in the hijab
It is better than obedience that they pretend
Interpretation and meaning of this verse: In this verse, as in the above verses, this Shirazi poet used eating and drinking in his poem to show hypocrisy in the eyes of the hypocritical people of that time.

 Hafez correctly used wine and wine

I am afraid that it is useless to fight on the day of reckoning
Shaykh's halal bread and haram water

Tafsir and meaning of this verse: Here it is clearly clear that our forbidden water has an allusion to wine, Hafez says that I am afraid of the day of judgment when the halal bread of the ascetic and pious Sheikh of the city, because it is mixed with hypocrisy and deceit, will not be able to satisfy a drinker like Hafez. Arrest and intercede
We, the disciples, are facing the direction of Qibla
Our old man is drunk on the side of the house
Interpretation and meaning of this verse: Here too, Hafez refers to the fact that we, the followers of the Tariqat, our Qiblah is the Kaaba, but Pirmaghan, who started the Tariqah, made Khmar Khanah his Qiblah. If we look at this verse simply, Hafez invites the audience to debauchery and to stay away from God's worship, but the truth is something else. Here, Hafiz is trying to say that it is better to distance ourselves from religious appearances and understand the truth of the matter, although worship and prayer are good, but if it is done out of habit and compulsion, it has no value, and it is important that we have a deep spiritual understanding of these matters. be done.

What does May mean by these interpretations in Hafez's poems?

What does May mean by these interpretations in Hafez's poems?

Now it is easy to understand that the words "may" and "wine" in Hafez's poems have a meaning other than the comparison of a bad or worse action, an allusion to a bad concept, or for people to refer to the heart of religion, and it cannot mean the real and true meaning of you eat and wine. He understood humiliation in Hafez's poetry.

 See this Article : Where is hafez tomb hafezieh?

and this article : Hafez in the inflammatory period of iran

and this article : Hafez's influence in iran

 Arian Yahyapour
Author: Arian Yahyapour
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