Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky
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Job / Known for: Writer
Left traces: Kaidash's Family
Date: 1838-11-25
Location: UA Stebliv, Kiev Governorate
Date: 1918-04-02 (aged 80)
Resting place: UA Baikove Cemetery
Death Cause: Illness and hunger
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Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky My QR code: Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky https://DearGone.com/15567
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For the love of Ukraine
About me / Bio:
Ivan Semenovych Nechuy-Levytsky was a prominent Ukrainian writer known for his contributions to Ukrainian literature and his role in the cultural and national revival of Ukraine. His works, which include social and popular history novels, dramas, comedies, and fairy tales, reflect the life and struggles of Ukrainian people during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among his most famous works are the novel 'Kaidash's Family' and the comedy 'At Kozhumyaky', which was later adapted into the play 'Chasing Two Hares'. Nechuy-Levytsky's writing is characterized by its realism and use of folklore, which has left a lasting impact on Ukrainian culture.
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Article for Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky

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