Alfred Carl Fuller
Other names: The Fuller Brush Man
Job / Known for: Founder of the Fuller Brush Company
Left traces: High-quality brushes and cleaning products
Date: 1885-01-13
Location: CA Welsford, Nova Scotia
Date: 1973-12-04 (aged 88)
Resting place: US Pleasant Valley Cemetery in Somerset, Nova Scotia
Death Cause: Heart failure
Spouse: Evelyn Winnifred Ells (1908-1930), Mary Primrose Pelton (1932-1973)
Children: Alfred Howard and Avard Ells
Parent(s): Leander Joseph and Phebe Jane (Collins) Fuller
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Design it to work, craft it to last, and guarantee it no matter what.
About me / Bio:
Alfred Fuller was a Canadian-born American businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who was the original "Fuller Brush Man". He created the Fuller Brush Company, a multi-million dollar corporation that produced and sold high-quality brushes and cleaning products. He started his career as a brush and mop salesman in Boston, and later established his own workshop in his sister's basement. He was determined to make the best products of their kind in the world, and to offer a full money-back guarantee to his customers. He also pioneered the door-to-door sales method, hiring thousands of salespeople who became known as "Fuller Brush Men" and "Fuller Brush Women". He expanded his business through numerous acquisitions and innovations, and became one of the most successful and respected entrepreneurs of his time. He was also a generous philanthropist, who supported various causes and organizations, especially in the fields of education, music, and art. He donated millions of dollars to the University of Hartford, the Hartt School of Music, the Hartford Opera, the Hartford Symphony, and the Bushnell Memorial. He also established the Fuller Foundation, which continues to fund charitable projects and institutions. He died in 1973 at the age of 88, leaving behind a legacy of excellence, integrity, and generosity.
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