Nasim al-Safarjalani
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Job / Known for: General Secretary of the Presidential Council
Left traces: His reforms and development projects in Latakia
Date: 1935
Location: SY Damascus
Date: 1994 (aged 59)
Resting place: SY
Death Cause: Executed by the Ba'athist regime
Parent(s): Asaf al-Safarjalani and an unnamed mother
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The Ba'ath is the voice of the Arab nation and the instrument of its liberation
About me / Bio:
Nasim al-Safarjalani was a Syrian politician who came from a prominent Arab family in Damascus. He was educated at the Tajhiz al-Ula, where he was taught by Salah ad-Din al-Bitar and Michel Aflaq, the founders of the Arab Ba'ath Party. He became a distinguished attorney and a rising figure in the Syrian political arena. He was appointed as the governor of Latakia at the age of 28, making him the youngest governor in the modern history of Syria. He was known for his spectacular performance and his reforms and development projects in the province. He later became the General Secretary of the Presidential Council, a position that made him the second most powerful person in the country after President Amin al-Hafiz. He was a supporter of the pan-Arab nationalist faction of the Ba'ath Party and an ally of Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser. He was overthrown and arrested by a coup d'état led by the leftist regionalist faction of the Ba'ath Party in 1966. He was sentenced to death in absentia by a military court and executed by the Ba'athist regime in 1994. His exact date and place of death are unknown. He is regarded as a martyr by many Syrians who admire his legacy and achievements.
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