Nanguyalai Tarzi
Other names:
Job / Known for: Ambassador to Switzerland
Left traces: Diplomatic relations and international cooperation
Date: 1940-12-28
Location: AF Kabul
Date: 2015 (aged 75)
Resting place: CH
Death Cause:
Spouse: Hassina Tarzi
Children: Farhad Tarzi, Mayena Tarzi, Maiwand
Parent(s): Mohammad Seddiq Tarzi
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Diplomacy is for peace and progress.
About me / Bio:
Nanguyalai Tarzi was a distinguished Afghan diplomat, serving as the Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the United Nations office in Geneva. He was also the Ambassador of Afghanistan to India, Pakistan, and Director of the United Nations Information Centres in Tehran. His diplomatic career spanned several decades, during which he played a pivotal role in representing Afghanistan's interests on the international stage. Tarzi's contributions to fostering diplomatic relations and international cooperation have been significant.
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