Maureen O'Hara
Other names: Maureen FitzSimons Maureen FitzSimons
Job / Known for: Playing passionate but sensible heroines
Left traces: Numerous films in Hollywood and Ireland
Date: 1920-08-17
Location: IE Ranelagh, Dublin
Date: 2015-10-24 (aged 95)
Resting place: US Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Death Cause: Natural causes
Spouse: George H. Brown, Will Price, Charles F. Blair Jr.
Children: One daughter, Bronwyn FitzSimons
Parent(s): William and Maureen Binchy
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Maureen O'Hara

There's only one woman who has been my friend over the years and by that I mean a real friend
About me / Bio:
Maureen O'Hara was an Irish-American actress and singer who became famous for her roles in films such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), How Green Was My Valley (1941), Miracle on 34th Street (1947), The Quiet Man (1952), and The Parent Trap (1961). She was known for her fiery red hair and her portrayals of strong-willed women, often opposite John Wayne, with whom she had a close friendship. She was born in Dublin, Ireland, and showed an early talent for performing. She trained at the Abbey Theatre and the Guildhall School of Music, and was discovered by actor Charles Laughton, who cast her in his film Jamaica Inn (1939). She moved to Hollywood and signed a contract with RKO Pictures, and later worked with other studios such as 20th Century Fox and Republic Pictures. She was one of the most popular and respected actresses of her time, and was nicknamed "the Queen of Technicolor" for her vibrant screen presence. She also had a beautiful soprano voice and sang in several of her films, as well as on stage and television. She was awarded the honorary Academy Award in 2014 for her contributions to the film industry. She was also a successful businesswoman and a philanthropist, supporting various causes such as the Irish Film Institute and the Maureen O'Hara Foundation. She was married three times and had one daughter, who also became an actress. She became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1946, but retained her Irish citizenship and spent time in both countries. She died in 2015 at the age of 95, in Boise, Idaho, where she lived with her grandson. She was buried with military honors at Arlington National Cemetery, next to her third husband, who was a US Navy pilot and a Medal of Honor recipient. She is remembered as one of the most iconic and influential stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, and a proud ambassador of Irish culture.
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