Mark Sheehan
Other names: Abraham Sheehan Abrahám Sheehan
Job / Known for: Co-founder and guitarist of The Script
Left traces: The Script and other rock songs
Date: 1976-10-29
Location: IE Clontarf, Dublin
Date: 2023-04-14 (aged 47)
Resting place: GB Golders Green Crematorium, London
Death Cause: Brief illness
Spouse: Rina Sheehan
Children: Three children
Parent(s): Rachel and Gerald Sheehan
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Mark Sheehan

Dreams are made to be followed. Life is meant to be lived.
About me / Bio:
Mark Sheehan was an Irish musician who became famous for his rock band The Script, which he co-founded with his childhood friend Danny O'Donoghue in 2001. He played the lead guitar and also wrote and produced many of the band's songs. The Script achieved worldwide success with their albums and singles, such as The Man Who Can't Be Moved, Breakeven, Hall of Fame, and Superheroes. They won several awards and sold over 20 million albums worldwide. Before forming The Script, Sheehan was a member of another Irish boy band called Mytown, which was active from 1996 to 2001. He also worked as a producer and songwriter for other artists, such as Peter André, Boyz II Men, and Britney Spears. Sheehan was born in Mount Brown in The Liberties area of Dublin, and grew up in Clontarf. He had a passion for music and dancing since he was young, and taught hip-hop moves at a performing arts centre. He also excelled as an athlete and a scholar, and studied mathematics at Trinity College, Dublin. He married Rina Sheehan and had three children with her. He was a devoted family man and a loyal friend. He died in hospital on 14 April 2023, after a brief illness. He was cremated and his ashes were placed in a display urn at Golders Green Crematorium. He is remembered as one of the most talented and influential musicians of his generation, and a pioneer of modern rock music.
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