Aleksandr Baryatinsky
Other names: Alexander Bariatinsky
Job / Known for: Military leader in the Napoleonic Wars
Left traces: Heroic deeds and reputation
Date: 1815-05-14
Location: RU Kizlyar, Astrakhan Governorate
Date: 1879-03-09 (aged 64)
Resting place: CH Borodino Battlefield, Moscow Oblast
Death Cause:
Parent(s): Ivan Baryatinsky (father)
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The Eagle of the Russian Army can be me.
About me / Bio:
Aleksandr Baryatinsky was a Russian general and prince of Georgian origin, prominent during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. He began his military career as a cornet in the Life Guards of the future Tsar Alexander II. He served with distinction in the Caucasus, where he received a golden sword for valour. He also participated in the suppression of the Kraków Uprising and the wars against the Ottoman Empire. He was the chief of staff of the Russian forces during the Napoleonic invasion of Russia and was wounded at the Battle of Bautzen. He was promoted to major general and later to lieutenant general. He commanded the 2nd Western Army and fought in several battles, including the decisive Battle of Borodino, where he was fatally wounded. He was posthumously awarded the Order of St. Andrew and the Order of St. George. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and heroic Russian commanders of his time.
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