Anatoly Sobchak
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Job / Known for: Mayor of Saint Petersburg, co-author
Left traces: Democratic reforms, mentorship
Date: 1937-08-10
Location: RU Chita, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Date: 2000-02-19 (aged 63)
Resting place: RU Nikolskoe Cemetery, Saint Petersburg
Death Cause: Heart attack
Spouse: Nonna Gandzyuk (1958-1980), Lyudmila Narusova (1980-2000)
Children: Maria Sobchak, Ksenia Sobchak
Parent(s): Aleksander Sobchak, Nadezhda Litvinova
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Democracy is the natural state of human society.
About me / Bio:
Anatoly Sobchak was a prominent Soviet and Russian politician, legal scholar, and educator. He was one of the leading voices for perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, and a member of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union. He played a key role in drafting the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was adopted in 1993. He was also the first democratically elected mayor of Saint Petersburg, serving from 1991 to 1996. He initiated many reforms in the city, such as restoring its historical name, promoting economic development, and supporting cultural and educational institutions. He was a mentor and teacher of future presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, who both worked under him in the city administration. He was also a close ally of Boris Yeltsin, and supported his policies of market economy and political pluralism. Sobchak faced corruption allegations and political opposition during his second term as mayor, and lost the 1996 election to Vladimir Yakovlev. He left Russia in 1997 and lived in France for two years, until he returned in 1999 to campaign for Putin's presidential bid. He died of a heart attack in 2000, while visiting Kaliningrad. His death sparked controversy and speculation, as some suggested he was poisoned by his enemies. He was buried with state honors in Saint Petersburg, and his legacy is widely respected and celebrated in Russia.
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