Konstantin Savitsky
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Job / Known for: Russian genre painter
Left traces: Repairing Railway and Morning
Date: 1844-05-25
Location: RU Taganrog, near Rostov-on-Don
Date: 1905-01-31 (aged 61)
Resting place: RU Penza
Death Cause: Old age
Parent(s): Dmitry Savitsky and Maria Savitskaya
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About me / Bio:
Konstantin Savitsky was a Russian painter who depicted the life of the working class and the historical events of the 19th century. He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts and became a member of the Peredvizhniki movement. He was one of the first artists to portray the railway workers and their harsh conditions. He also collaborated with Ivan Shishkin on the famous painting Morning in the Pine Forest, which showed a family of bears in a forest. He later withdrew his signature from the painting and it is now attributed solely to Shishkin. He also painted portraits, landscapes, and religious subjects. He died in 1905 at the age of 60.
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