Stepan Pimenov
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Job / Known for: Sculptor of Russian classicism
Left traces: Chariot of Glory on the arch of the General Staff
Date: 1784
Location: RU Saint Petersburg
Date: 1833-04-03 (aged 49)
Resting place: RU Tikhvin Cemetery, Saint Petersburg
Death Cause: Tuberculosis
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Sculpture is what i were doing scinse i was young.
About me / Bio:
Stepan Pimenov was an artist and sculptor of the Russian Empire. He was closely associated with Vasily Demut-Malinovsky, with whom he worked on the decoration of buildings designed by Carlo Rossi and Andrey Voronikhin. He was an academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts from 1807, and a full professor from 1814. Born in 1784, Pimenov attended the Imperial Academy of Arts and distinguished himself there, winning several medals for his artistic compositions. Graduating in 1803, he was soon involved in an important commission, working with several other famous sculptors and artists on Andrey Voronikhin's project for the Kazan Cathedral. Making his name with two particular sculptures, Pimenov became an academician and went on to teach at the Academy. He combined his teaching duties with carrying out important commissions, and also worked as a designer at the Imperial Porcelain Factory. He co-operated with Voronikhin and Demut-Malinovsky once more on the decoration of the Mining Institute, and worked on Andreyan Zakharov's Admiralty building. He began an enduring relationship with architect Carlo Rossi in the late 1810s, producing works for the Yelagin and Mikhailovsky Palaces, and the General Staff Building. Towards the end of his life Pimenov continued to carry out large commissions, his works adorned the Alexandrinsky Theatre and the Imperial Public Library. While working on compositions for Vasily Stasov's Narva Triumphal Arch in the early 1830s, he came into conflict with Emperor Nicholas I, supposedly over Pimenov's portraits of Nicholas and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna. Nicholas criticised Pimenov's characters for the Narva Arch and he was forced to resign from the Academy in 1830. He was able to complete several of his commissions before his death in 1833.
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